
Our Mission: Following Jesus, Impacting Others

At Moraine Valley one of our values is owning our part of the mission. Church membership is a deeper commitment to a community moving with one purpose toward the goal of bringing people to Jesus. While church membership is voluntary, the New Testament regularly stresses the value that each member of the body possesses as we contribute to the whole. When you become a member you are invited into these expectations:
  • To embrace our vision, “Following Jesus, Impacting Others”
  • To perceive and participate in ministries
  • To worship regularly at Moraine Valley Church
  • To financially support our church ministries 
  • To actively serve in some area of ministry
  • To be mutually involved with other believers in each other’s lives
  • To agree with our church constitution
  • To move from a position of attender and spectator to a person who knows, owns  and wants to get involved in our Mission and Vision while holding to the values of our church!
  • To pray for our church and its needs

partner with us

Interested In Taking the next step?

If you are interested in taking the next step of Membership, please provide us  your information below and we will reach out with more info on our next membership class.

Next Membership Class

Please fill out the form and someone will reach out to you to discuss membership further.