grow, heal, learn & enrich
Emotional Resilience
Living with the Fruit of the Spirit is a journey that many others before you have taken and can testify that it works. The principles that you will learn in our program will help you live in a way you have never lived before. ER is not a self help program, a positive thinking technique or a quick fix. Emotional resilience is learned through weekly group meetings, exercises, mentoring and a deep and nurturing devotional life. Over time, you will see significant and lasting change in the way you react to life, relate to others and regulate your emotions. It becomes a way of life.
Right now we are teaching a 12 week series on Overcoming Anxiety. If you desire you can also watch the program on our Youtube Channel!
We will practice healthy social distancing in the completely sanitized Chapel. Come learn how you can bounce back from painful emotions and live in emotional freedom. Classes are lively, fun and full of fellowship—a safe, friendly environment where you can be yourself. Taught by the program author, pastoral counselor and Recovery Coach, Ronald Ovitt.
Financial Peace
What would you do if you were totally free of debt? What would be different if you could stop living paycheck-to- paycheck? How could building a solid strategy for saving or emergencies change your future?
Maybe you made a money-related goal this year. Maybe you heard about Financial Peace or Dave Ramsey on the radio. Maybe you’re at a major life change or even crisis. No matter your current situation, the class will give you practical steps you can begin taking right away. MVC is currently not offering a FPU Class.
Prayer Team
DivorceCare is a biblically-based, Christ-centered, 13-week DVD-based ministry program. It offers a safe place to help people who are experiencing separation and divorce find help for the hurts, hope for the future and to experience God’s healing power. Many issues will be addressed, such as: facing your anger, loneliness, financial survival, kid care, and forgiveness—to name just a few. Whether you’ve been separated only one day or divorced for 20+ years, this is a great place to start your healing.
You will hear from nationally recognized Christian experts in the field of divorce and recovery. You will receive a guidebook to be used while viewing the video presentations; and you will be connected to a small group for discussion time following the video. We currently do not have a Divorce Care program being offered at this time.